Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Death. What is the lesson?

I've been thinking about death a lot recently. Morbid...I know. Well, at least slightly. The thoughts are more so in regards to why death seems to be an ever constant theme in my life. What is God wanting to teach me? This question being the root of my processing. I cannot figure it out for the life of me. Why, at only 21 years old, have I had to deal with so much death? I understand that I will always deal with death, I get that it is a part of life; everyone is born and everyone dies. However, why does it feel like the people around me are dropping like flies?

Why God? What is the purpose? What am I supposed to learn? Can you enlighten me sometime soon?

I seriously feel like I am not going to be able to take the pain much longer. I need a break...and a long enough one to heal from the years of pain I have already endured.

Death. The concept overall is exciting! Who doesn't want to spend eternity with the creator, Father, the one being that loves endlessly and regardless of any faults? In a twisted way, it is something we all look foreward to, yet fear at the same time.

Death. Please explain your lesson Lord, I would really like to apply it to my life!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life is Short...Love Yourself!

Recently I have been doing alot of thinking. Yes, I know, we all think, all the time. But I am not just talking about any general sort of thinking. I have really been thinking, deep thinking, not only about how I view myself, but the world around me. It is truly amazing what one can discover when they take the time to think. You meet yourself, on a whole differernt level than you ever thought possible. And you know what I have realized? I love me! I don't mean that in a conceded way, but I love who I am, I couldn't be happier, with me! I am a kind and caring person who loves the Lord with all of my heart. I am understanding of those different from me, and I love everyone regardless of how awfully they may treat me. I love knowing people to the depths of their core, becaues the soul of a person shows their uniqueness, the soul of a person is what truly makes them beautiful!

In no way am I trying to say that I am perfect, because I am not perfect, no one is. I have my struggles and my insecurities, however, if I am not accepting of the person I am, I don't know how anyone else is ever going to be accepting of me. I have battled depression for a good part of my life and although I know I will continue to deal with that struggle within myself, I need these moments, the ones that I am not beating myself up. I need them to remind me in my moments of darkness that I am a person worth knowing, I am a person worth loveing, I am a person who has a purpose for living!

It is my opinion that the world has some pretty messed up standards or ideals of how women are supposed to be. I don't think there are many woment out there who believe that they meet the standards this world has set, myself included. However, over the course of the last few days, I have realized that although I will never meet them, just being me is okay too. This all goes back to that issue of trust in God that I have talked a lot about. I need to trust that God made me the way I am for a purpose, regardless of whether the world believes that I live up to a list of ideals. In a little book I keep at my desk called Believe in Yourself, there is a quote that says "Self-acceptance gives you the much-needed energy and freedom to grow". I have never believed that more, than what I do right at this very moment. I am beginning to flourish, just from finally deciding that I love me!

As a final note, I wanted to share a couple of posters that I keep hung up in my room. I found them both at a Christian bookstore and I love them! The one is about belief systems and the other about being yourself.

The first says:

I believe life is more than survival.
I believe the heart is more than a muscle.
I believe we can know right from wrong.
I believe in hope and freedom.
I believe my life can make a difference.
I believe the message of the cross.
What do you believe?

I would like to challenge you in just that...what do you believe? Not only what is your belief system, but do you believe in yourself? Do you love yourself?

The second says:

I'm not a perfect girl.
My hair doesn't always stay in place
I spill things a lot
I'm pretty clumsy
Sometimes I have a broken heart
My friends and I sometimes fight
Maybe some days nothin' goes right
But when I think about it & take a step back
I remember how AMAZING life truly is
And through all my imperfections...

No one is perfect! But we all need to learn to love the person that we are!

I and Love and You,
